Upgrading Guide
Docker compose
When you deploy a vanilla docker compose, it will create a persistent volume for your Postgres database. As long as your volume is there, you should not lose any data.
Using docker images provided in DockerHub
If you're using latest
, then you need to pre pull the latest
DockerHub to update.
The generic upgrade method for docker compose are as follows:
Pull the latest version
docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-django:latest docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx:latest
If you would like to use a version other than the latest, specify the version (tag) you want to upgrade to:
docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-django:1.10.2 docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx:1.10.2
If you would like to use alpine based images, you specify the version (tag) you want to upgrade to:
docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-django:1.10.2-alpine docker pull defectdojo/defectdojo-nginx:1.10.2-alpine
Go to the directory where your docker-compose.yml file lives
Stop DefectDojo:
docker compose stop
Re-start DefectDojo, allowing for container recreation:
docker compose up -d
Database migrations will be run automatically by the initializer. Check the output via
docker compose logs initializer
or relevant k8s commandIf you have the initializer disabled (or if you want to be on the safe side), run the migration command:
docker compose exec uwsgi /bin/bash -c "python manage.py migrate"
Building your local images
If you build your images locally and do not use the ones from DockerHub, the instructions are the same, with the caveat that you must build your images first.
Pull the latest DefectDojo changes
git fetch git pull git merge origin/master
Then replace the first step of the above generic upgrade method for docker compose with: docker compose build
godojo installations
If you have installed DefectDojo on “iron” and wish to upgrade the installation, please see the instructions in the repo.