Home En 🛠️ Connect Your Tools Supported Report Types Files Talisman Talisman On this page Run Talisman in CLI mode and use “–scan ” argument to scan the git commit history along with “–reportDirectory ” argument to save the scan reports to a directory. The report will be in JSON format.
Additionally, you can set up Git Hooks to automate the scan and then send the generated reports to DefectDojo using its API.
# Set DefectDojo API credential and other variables
DEFECTDOJO_API_KEY = "your-api-key"
DEFECTDOJO_URL = "https://your-defectdojo-url.com"
# Run talisman in CLI mode and output the result in JSON format
CMD = "talisman --scan --ignoreHistory --reportDirectory $TALISMAN_RESULTS_DIR "
# Extract the result
result = $( jq '.results[].filename' " ${ TALISMAN_RESULTS_DIR } /talisman_reports/data/report.json" )
# Check if result is not empty
if [ -n " $result " ] ; then
# If talisman found issues, send the JSON output to DefectDojo API endpoint
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Token $DEFECTDOJO_API_KEY " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d "@ $TALISMAN_RESULTS_DIR /talisman_reports/data/report.json" \
" $DEFECTDOJO_URL /api/v2/import-scan/"
# Exit with a non-zero status code to indicate that the commit should be rejected
exit 1
# If talisman did not find any issues, exit with a zero status code
exit 0
Sample Scan Data# Sample Talisman scans can be found here .