DefectDojo Pro Changelog

Here are the release notes for DefectDojo Pro (Cloud Version). These release notes are focused on UX, so will not include all code changes.

For Open Source release notes, please see the Releases page on GitHub, or alternatively consult the Open Source upgrade notes.

Jan 2025: v2.42

Jan 27, 2025: v2.42.3

  • (Connectors) Added ‘minimum severity’ filter for Semgrep and Tenable Connectors. If you want to only upload Findings of a certain severity and up, you can set a filter for this under ‘Minimum Severity’ in your Connector options.


Previously synced Findings that are no longer within the filter parameters will be set to Closed upon the following Sync operation.

  • (API) Prefetching multiple parameters now returns all prefetched objects in an array.

Jan 21, 2025: v2.42.2

  • (Classic UI) Corrected link to Smart Upload form.
  • (CLI Tools) Fixed issue with .exe extensions not getting added to Windows binaries
  • (Findings) Mitigated filter now uses datetime instead of date for filtering.
  • (OAuth) Clarified Azure AD labels to better align with Azure’s language. Default value for Azure Resource is now set. (Pro)
  • (RBAC) Request Review now applies RBAC properly with regard to User Groups.

Jan 13, 2025: v2.42.1

  • (API) Pro users can now specify the fields they want to return in a given API payload. For example, this request will only return the title, severity and description fields for each Finding. (Pro)
curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://localhost/api/v2/findings/?response_fields=title,severity,description' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'
  • (Findings) Excel and CSV exports now include tags.
  • (Reports) Reports now exclude unenforced SLAs from Executive Summary to avoid confusion.
  • (Risk Acceptance) Simple Risk Acceptances now have a ‘paper trail’ created - when they are added or removed, a note will be added to the Finding to log the action.
  • (Tools) ImageTags are now included with AWS SecurityHub and AWS inspector parsers.

Jan 6, 2025: v2.42.0

  • (API) /test_reimport results can now be ordered via id, created, modified, version, branch_tag, build_id, and commit_hash.
  • (Jira) When a Risk Acceptance expires, linked Jira Group issues will now be updated to reflect the status change.

Dec 2024: v2.41

Dec 31, 2024: v2.41.4

  • (API) ‘Force To Active / Verified’ flag is no longer required when calling /import-scan, /reimport-scan endponts: a value of True now forces to Active, False now forces to Inactive, while setting a value of none (or not using the flag) will use the tool’s status.
  • (Beta UI) Added ability to regenerate / copy your API token.
  • (Beta UI) Fixed bug preventing date / planned remediation dates from being added via Bulk Edit.
  • (Import) Added fields for EPSS score and percentile to Generic Findings Import parser.

Dec 24, 2024: v2.41.3

  • (API) Added /request_response_pairs endpoint.
  • (Beta UI) When sorting by Severity, Findings will now be ordered by severity level rather than alphabetically.
  • (Beta UI) On the Findings table, the Endpoint Hosts column has been replaced with a numerical count of affected Endpoints.
  • (Beta UI) On the Findings table, the Vulnerability ID field can now be filtered with “starts_with”, “ends_with” filters.
  • (Beta UI) Added Edit Test Type form: you can now edit the properties of a custom Test Type to determine if it is Active or Inactive, or a Static Scan or Dynamic Scan Test.
  • (Beta UI) Same Tool Deduplication Settings / Test Type field is now searchable.
  • (Tools) Qualys HackerGuardian now uses hashcode against “title”, “severity”, “description” for deduplication.
  • (Tools) Horusec scan now uses hashcode against “title”, “description”, “file_path”, and “line” for deduplication.

Dec 16, 2024: v2.41.2

  • (Connectors) Remove the ‘Beta’ logo from Connectors

Dec 9, 2024: v2.41.1

  • (API) When using the jira_finding_mappings API endpoint, trying to update a finding’s Jira mapping with a Jira issue that is already assigned to another finding will now raise a validation error.
  • (Beta UI) A Test’s Import History is now paginated by default.
  • (Findings) New Filter: ‘Has Any JIRA’ which accounts for Findings with single Issues or Findings that were pushed to Jira as part of a Group.
  • (Classic UI) Filters have been added to the Product Type view. This is useful for when a single Product Type contains many Products which need to be filtered down.
  • (Classic UI) Reported Finding Severity by Month graph now tracks the X axis by month correctly.

Dec 2, 2024: v2.41.0

  • (API) engagements/{id}/update_jira_epic endpoint path added so that users can now push an updated Engagement to Jira, without creating a new Jira Epic.
  • (Beta UI) Columns can now be reordered in tables, by clicking and dragging the column header.


  • (Beta UI) Notes can now be added to a Test directly from the Test page.
  • (Classic UI) Reviewers are now displayed on Finding pages.
  • (Docs) New integrated docs site:

Nov 2024: v2.40

Nov 25, 2024: v2.40.4

  • (Beta UI) Improved Metadata tables with Parent object relationships for Products, Engagements, Tests, Findings, Endpoints/Hosts
  • (Beta UI) Deleting an object now returns you to a page which makes more sense.
  • (Endpoints) Endpoints can now be sorted by ID.
  • (Review Request) When a user requests a review, both the requester and the requestee are now captured in audit logs.
  • (Tools) Trivy Operator now parses the ‘cluster compliance report’ from scans.
  • (Tools) CheckMarx One parser can now handle cases where a result has no description.
  • (Tools) AnchorCTL Policies tool has been fortified to handle new severity values.

Nov 17, 2024: v2.40.2

  • (API) Added an API endpoint to get the DefectDojo version number: /api/v2/version (Pro)
  • (API) Multiple Metadata objects can now be added to a single Endpoint, Finding or Product via POST or PATCH to /api/v2/metadata/ . Previously, only one Metadata key/value pair could be updated per call.
  • (Beta UI) You can now Clear Alerts in the Beta UI.
  • (Beta UI) Corrected an issue with Beta UI’s form validation when trying to connect a Jira Project with an Engagement.
  • (Beta UI) Fixed an issue in the Beta UI where new Product Tiles could not be created.
  • (Reports) Changes have been made to the Report Generator’s description text to clarify how new reports are created from existing reports.
  • (Findings) “Verified” is now an optional status for many Finding workflows. This can be changed from the System Settings page in the Legacy UI (not yet implemented in Beta UI).
  • (Tools) Update to AWS Prowler parser - can now handle the ‘event_time’ parameter

Nov 14, 2024: v2.40.1

  • (API) Added a method to validate for file extensions, when ‘artifact’ files are added to a test (images, for example)
  • (Cloud Portal) Fixed an issue where QR codes were not being generated correctly for MFA setup. (Pro)
  • (Dashboards) Insights dashboards can now filter by Product Tag (Pro)
  • (Notifications) Added a new notification template for ‘Engagement Closed’ - Email, Alerts, Teams, Slack
  • (Tools) Fixed an issue with the Burp Entreprise HTML parser not correctly handling certain reports
  • (Tags) Tags are now forced to lowercase when created

Nov 4, 2024: v2.40.0

  • (API) Engagement_End_Date is now honored when submitted via /import /reimport endpoint.
  • (API) Corrected an issue with the /import endpoint where old Findings were not being mitigated correctly.
  • (Beta UI) Certain Error 400 notifications will now be displayed as ‘toasts’ in the beta UI with a better error description, rather than redirecting to a generic 400 page.
  • (Beta UI) Dojo-CLI and Universal Importer are now available for download in-app. See External Tools menu in the top-right hand menu of the Beta UI.
  • (Connectors) Multiple connectors of the same type can now be added. Each Connector will create a unique Engagement which will be populated with Findings. (Pro)
  • (Connectors) AWS Security Hub connector can now find any AWS delegated accounts associated with a centralized account. All Security Hub Findings from a connector will be tagged with the appropriate AwsAccountId field, and additional Products can be added for each. (Pro)
  • (CLI Tools) Dojo-CLI tool now available: a command-line tool which you can use to manage imports and exports to your Cloud instance. To get started, download the app from the External Tools menu.
  • (Deduplication) There’s no longer a brief service interruption when changes are applied to Deduplication Settings. Those changes can be applied without restarting the service.
  • (Tools) Added a new parser for AWS Inspector2 Findings.

Setting up multiple AWS Hub accounts with a Connector

If you manage Security Hub findings for multiple accounts from a centralized administrator account, you will need to create the IAM user under that account and configure the Connector with it in order to retrieve findings from those sub-accounts with a single connector configuration.

“Member” accounts (either invited manually or automatically associated when using AWS Organizations) will be detected by the Discover operation, and Products will be created for each of your account + region pairs based on the administrator account’s cross-region aggregation settings.

See this section of the AWS Docs about cross-region aggregation with multiple accounts for more information.

  • Once you have created your IAM user and assigned it the necessary permissions using an appropriate policy/role, you will need to generate an access key and provide the “Access Key” and “Secret Key” components in the relevant connector configuration fields.
  • The “Location” field should be populated with the appropriate API endpoint for your region. For example, to retrieve results from the us-east-1 region, you would supply
  • Note that we rely on Security Hub’s cross-region aggregation to pull findings from more than one region. If cross-region aggregation is enabled, you should supply the API endpoint for your “Aggregation Region”. Additional linked regions will have ProductRecords created for them in DefectDojo based on your AWS account IDs and the region names.

Oct 2024: v2.39

Oct 29, 2024: v2.39.4

  • (API) Corrected ‘multiple positional arguments’ issue with /import endpoint
  • (Metrics) Dashboards can now handle multiple Products or Product Types simultaneously: this includes the Executive, Program, Remediation and Tool insights dashboards. (Pro)
  • (Tools) OSV, Tenable parsers have been made more robust

Oct 21, 2024: v2.39.1

  • (Beta UI) Parent Object links have been added to the Metadata table to help contextualize the page you’re on
  • (Beta UI) Improved “Toggle Columns” menu on tables
  • (Beta UI) Added additional helptext for Simple Risk Acceptance, SLA Enforcement
  • (Beta UI) Improved Test View with better Import History and Active Finding Severity Breakdown elements
  • (Import) Development Environments which do not already exist can now be created via ‘auto create context’
  • (Metrics) All Metrics dashboards can now be exported as a PDF (Remediation Insights, Program Insights, Tool Insights) (Pro)

Oct 7, 2024: v2.39.0

  • (Beta UI) Dropdown menus for Import Scan / Reimport Scan no longer block the active element of a form.
  • (Beta UI) Finding counts by Severity now disregard Out Of Scope / False Positive Findings.
  • (Dashboard) Tile filters with a Boolean filter of False are now saving correctly. E.G. If you tried to create a Tile with a filter condition of “Has Jira = No” previously this would not be applied correctly.
  • (Jira) Added help text for ‘Push All Issues’.
  • (Tools) AWS Security Hub EPSS score now parses correctly.

Sept 2024: v2.38

Sept 30, 2024: v2.38.4

  • (API) Object History can now be accessed via the API.
  • (API Docs) Generating the response schema for certain API endpoints no longer breaks the Swagger interface.
  • (Metrics) Added Executive Insights dashboard, Select a Product or Product type, and you can view an executive summary of that Product/Product Type’s security posture with relevant stats. (Pro)
  • (Passwords) Password creation for new users can now be made optional upon request. This feature is toggled via the back-end.

Sept 23, 2024: v2.38.3

  • (API) /global_role endpoint now supports prefetching.
  • (API) It is now possible to prefetch a Finding with attached files via API.
  • (Login) A new “Forgot Username” link has been added to the login form. The link will navigate to a page which requests the user’s email address. The username will be sent to that address if it exists.
  • Risk Acceptances Notes are now added to Findings when they are removed from Risk Acceptances.
  • (Risk Acceptance) Risk Acceptance overhaul. Feature has been extended with new functions. See Risk Acceptance documentation for more details.
  • Tools Qualys HackerGuardian parser added.
  • Tools Semgrep Parser updated with new severity mappings. HackerOne parser updated and now supports bug bounty reports.
  • Tools fixed an issue where certain tools would not process asyncronously: Whitehat_Sentinel, SSLyze, SSLscan, Qualys_Webapp, Mend, Intsights, H1, and Blackduck.

Sept 16, 2024: v2.38.2

  • (Beta UI) Jira integration in Beta UI now has parity with Legacy UI. Ability to Push To Jira has been added, and the Jira ticket view has been added to Findings, Engagements, and all other related objects in DefectDojo.
  • (Finding SLAs) Added “Mitigated Within SLA” Finding filter, so that users can now count how many Findings were mitigated on time, and how many were not. Previously, we were only able to filter Findings that were currently violating SLA or not, rather than ones that had historically violated SLA or not.
  • (Metrics) “Mitigated Within SLA” simple metric added to Remediation Insights page.
  • (Reports) Custom Content text box no longer renders as HTML.
  • (Tools) Wiz Parser now supports SCA format.
  • (Tools) Fortify now supports a wider range of .fpr files.
  • (Tools) Changed name of Netsparker Scan to Invicti Scan following their acquisition. Integrations that use the ‘Netsparker’ terminology will still work as expected, but now ‘Invicti’ appears in our tools list.
  • (Universal Importer) Tag Inheritance has been added to Universal Importer. Tags can now be added to Findings from that tool. (Pro)

Sept 9, 2024: v2.38.1

  • (Beta UI) Clearing a date filter and re-applying it no longer throws a 400 error.
  • (Dashboard) Dashboard Tag Filters now work correctly in both legacy and beta UIs.
  • (MFA) When an admin enforced Global MFA on a DefectDojo instance, there was a loop state that could occur with new users attempting to set up their accounts. This issue has been corrected, and new users can set a password before enabling MFA.
  • (Permissions) When a user had permission to edit a Product, but not a Product Type, there was a bug where they were unable to submit an ‘Edit Product’ form (due to interaction with the Product Type). This has been corrected.
  • (Reimport) Reimport now correctly records additional vulnerability IDs beyond 1. In the past, Findings that had more than one Vulnerability ID (a CVE, for example) would have those additional Vulnerability IDs discarded on reimport, so users were potentially losing those additional Vulnerability IDs.
  • (Tools) Threat Composer parser added
  • (Tools) Legitify parser added
  • (Tools) EPSS score / percentile will now be imported from Aquasec files

Sept 3, 2024: v2.38.0

  • (API) Better naming conventions on Mitigated and Discovered date filters: these are now labeled Mitigated/Discovered On, Mitigated/Discovered Before, Mitigated/Discovered After.
  • (Beta UI) Pre-filtered Finding Routes added to Sidebar: you can now quickly filter for Active Findings, Mitigated Findings, All Risk Acceptances, All Finding Groups.
  • (Beta UI) Beta UI Findings datatable can now apply every filter that the legacy UI could: filter Findings by (Last Reviewed, Mitigated Date, Endpoint Host, Reviewers… etc).
  • (Beta UI) Beta UI OAuth settings leading to a 404 loop - bug fixed and menu now works as expected.
  • (Beta UI) Vulnerable Hosts page no longer returns 404.
  • (Beta UI) Sorting the Findings data table by Reporter now functions correctly.
  • (Connectors) Dependency-Track Connector now available. (Pro)
  • (Deduplication Tuner) Deduplication Tuner now available in beta UI under Enterprise Settings > Deduplication Tuner.
  • (Filters) Filtering Findings by Date now applies the filter as expected.
  • (Filters) Sorting by Severity now orders by lowest-highest severity instead of alphabetically
  • (Reimport) Reimporting Findings that have been Risk-Accepted no longer changes their status to ‘Mitigated’.
  • (Risk Acceptance) Updating the Simple Risk Acceptance or the Full Risk Acceptance flag on a Product now updates the Product as expected.

Aug 2024: v2.37

Aug 28, 2024: v2.37.3

  • (API) New Endpoint: /finding_groups allows you to GET, add Findings to, delete, or otherwise interact with Finding Groups. (Pro)
  • (Beta UI) Relative date ranges for Findings have been added to Finding Filters (last 30 days, last 90 days, etc)
  • (Beta UI) Bulk Edit / Risk Acceptance / Finding Group actions are now available in beta UI.
  • (Beta UI) Finding Groups are now available in the beta UI. Selecting multiple Findings allows you to create a Finding Group, provided those Findings are in the same Test.
  • (Beta UI) Enhanced Endpoint View now available in beta UI.
  • (Beta UI) Jira Instances can now be added and edited via beta UI.
  • (Connectors) SonarQube / SonarCloud Connector added. (Pro)
  • (Questionnaires) Anonymous Questionnaires can now be added to an Engagement after they are completed. This solves an issue where users wanted to have their team complete questionnaires related to a Product without giving the user access to the complete Product on DefectDojo.
  • (Reports) Report issue where images would disappear from reports has been corrected
  • (SLAs) “SLA Violation in _ Days” notifications are no longer being sent for unenforced SLAs.
  • (Tools) New Parser: AppCheck Web Application Scanning
  • (Tools) Nmap Parser now handles script output

Aug 7, 2024: v2.37.0

  • (API) Created a method to handle simultaneous async reimports to the same Test via API
  • (API) Minimum Severity flag now works as expected on /import, /reimport endpoints (Clearsale)
  • (API) API errors now default to “Expose error details”
  • (Beta UI) New Filter: by calculated SLA date (you can now filter for SLA due dates between a particular date range, for example)
  • (Beta UI) New Filter: age of Finding
  • (Beta UI) Improvements to pagination / loading behavior for large amounts of Findings
  • (Beta UI) Added ability to Reimport Findings in new UI:
  • (Connectors) Tenable Connector Released
  • (Dashboard) Risk Acceptance tile now correctly filters Findings
  • (Jira) Manually syncing multiple Findings with Jira (via Bulk Edit) now pushes notes correctly
  • (Reports) Adding the WYSIWYG Heading to a Custom Report now applies a custom Header, instead of a generic ‘WYSIWYG Heading’
  • (SAML) Fixed issue where reconfiguring SAML could cause lockout
  • (Tools) Wizcli Parser released
  • (Tools) Rapplex Parser released
  • (Tools) Kiuwan SCA Parser released
  • (Tools) Test Types can now be set to Inactive so that they won’t appear in menus. This ‘inactive’ setting can only be applied in the legacy UI, via Engagements > Test Types (or

Jul 2024: v2.36.0

  • (Notifications) Improved email notifications with collapsible Finding lists for greater readability
  • (SLAs) SLAs can now be optionally enforced. For each SLA associated with a Product you can set or unset the Enforce __ Finding Days box in the relevant SLA Configuration screen. When this box is unchecked, SLAs for Findings that match that Severity level will not be tracked or displayed in the UI.