π¨ Beta UI Features
Note: The Beta UI and associated features are only available in DefectDojo Pro.
In late 2023, DefectDojo Inc. released a new UI for DefectDojo Pro, which has since been in Beta for Pro customers to test and experiment with.
The Beta UI brings the following enhancements to DefectDojo:
- Modern and sleek design, built using Vue.js
- Optimized data delivery and load times, especially for large datasets
- Access to new Pro features, including API Connectors, Universal Importer, and Pro Metrics views
- Improved UI workflows: better filtering, dashboards, and navigation
Switching To The Beta UI
To access the Beta UI, open your User Options menu from the top-right hand corner. You can also switch back to the Classic UI from the same menu.
Navigational Changes
The Sidebar has been reorganized: Pro Metrics and the Homepage can be found in the first section.
Import methods can be found in the Import section: set up API Connectors, use the Import Scan form to Add Findings, or use Smart Upload to handle infrastructure scanning tools.
The Manage section allows you to view different objects in the Product Hierarchy, with views for Product Types, Products, Engagements, Tests, Findings, Risk Acceptances, Endpoints and Components.
The Settings section allows you to configure your DefectDojo instance, including your License, Cloud Settings, Users, Feature Configuration and admin-level Enterprise Settings.
The Enterprise settings section contains the System Settings, Jira Instances, Deduplication Settings, SAML, OAuth, Login and MFA forms.
The beta UI also has a new table format to help with navigation. This table is used with all Product Hierarchy. Each column can be clicked on to apply a relevant filter, and columns can be reordered to present data however you like.
The table also has a “Toggle Columns” menu which can add or remove columns from the table.
New Dashboards
New metrics visualizations are included in the Beta UI. All of these reports can be filtered and exported as PDF to share them with a wider audience.
- The Executive Insights dashboard displays the current state of your Products and Product Types.
- Program Insights dashboard displays the effectiveness of your security team and the cost savings associated with separating duplicates and false positives from actionable Findings.
- Remediation Insights displays your effectiveness at remediating Findings.
- Tool Insights displays the effectiveness of your tool suite (and Connectors pipelines) at detecting and reporting vulnerabilities.